The love story of Vince and Destiny started 10 years ago, when they met working at an indoor race car track. Vince said they started out as friends and eventually progressed after they found out more about each other, including their shared love of hockey and movies. Destiny on the other hand, had a crush almost immediately. Throughout their relationship, they would challenge one another, and bring out the very best in each other.
They both have a common love of traveling, and want to see and experience as much of the world as they can. Destiny said that she loves that Vince can keep her grounded and induce realistic thoughts. “He’s very courteous, consistent, careful, and methodical. I love his thoughtfulness, planning skills, efficiency, and his ability to calm my stress… and I’m weirdly ok that he’s a huge sports fan.” A year into their relationship, these two adventurers traveled to Vancouver to watch the Winter Olympics, and went to Buffalo in the dead of winter to watch an outdoor hockey game, which has now become a yearly tradition. This trip sparked something within Vince, and he knew he was in love.
Shortly after, in 2009, Destiny was ready to get an apartment of her own. As she talked to Vince about this, he thought it would be more practical to purchase a home together. By now they had been together for about three years, and Destiny knew that this was a huge commitment. Without a second thought, she took the leap with Vince and hasn’t looked back. Over the next seven years, Vince and Destiny would continue to learn more and more about each other. The thing about marriage that usually gets left out of wedding ceremonies, is that while it may not always be fun, when you love and respect another person enough to devote your lives to one another, you find ways to make the not-so-enjoyable times enjoyable.
To find laughter where there may not be any, like when Vince is hangry but gets super excited and hyper when he smells food and entertains Destiny with a made up song or dance. Or when Destiny makes funny noises at Vince to lighten his spirits. Eight years into their relationship, Vince knew he had chosen the right partner in Destiny, and picked out the perfect ring. He bought her a pair of matching earrings to make sure she’d like it first, and bought his future bride her engagement ring. It took until the evening of their 9th anniversary, and with plans in place, he was ready to propose. Destiny had to work late, and when she arrived home, there was a note at the front door that said, “meet me at the fire.” Vince had candles lit as a pathway guiding to the fire pit in the backyard, where he was waiting to propose. It took until then, when she reached the backyard and saw Vince, before she realized that this was the official engagement. It grew close to midnight, and being a numbers girl, Destiny didn’t want to miss the proposal happening on their anniversary. She knew he was nervous, and so she made an excuse to go inside to hurry him along. As soon as he dropped to one knee, she said yes, and that is how we have been led to today’s special occasion.
When asked about what inspires him, Vince responded with, “Destiny. She can do anything she puts her mind to and it helps me to strive to do the same. I love her smile and her laugh. I love her smell. I love that she loves things that I love and pushes me to do things that I want to do. I love that she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty or break a nail. I love that she puts up with my silly antics. I admire her for furthering her education and striving to be the best person she can be.”
Photo by Arndt Photo